Self Introduction Letter

Dear Professor Blackstone,

This letter serves as a self introduction to provide you with a better understanding of who I am. My name is Nicholas and I am from your Critical Thinking and Communication class (S20 [2024/25 T1]). I have a Diploma in Clean Energy Management from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I developed an interest for engineering since young. As a kid, I always scored well in my math and science subjects, while scoring badly for subjects that involved being creative. Hence, my teachers always told me that I was "engineering material". Therefore, I guess the thought that I am "engineering material" has been ingrained in me since young. Another catalyst for my interest in engineering is my love for cars. I like to read and learn about anything and everything about cars, from how their engines work, to the history of the automotive industry. Therefore, I have always wanted to become an engineer to work in the automotive industry.

Regarding my communication skills, I would say my strength in communication lies in my adaptability, in the sense where I can adapt to unfamiliar environments and make friends easily. I do that by observing how people communicate with each other and modifying the way I behave and speak to communicate effectively and make new connections. For weaknesses, one significant obstacle that I am still unable to overcome is that I find it very difficult to convince and persuade people, as I will feel that I am being too pushy towards them, causing me to back off.

There are two specific goals among many, that I wish to achieve from this module. Firstly, I would want to be better at reading people, such as their body language, and to be able to predict an individual's communication skills based on their character traits. Lastly, I would also like to be better at persuading people.

I would say what sets me apart from others is the interests that I have. I like cars and watches, both expensive hobbies, therefore, I spend a lot of time working and thinking of ways to make money, so I may not have the same hobbies as other people my age.

Thank you for taking your time to read my letter.

Best regards,



  1. Hey Nicholas, great introduction. I like how you use your observations to find a suitable approach towards your audience. Would appreciate if you included how you think the module will help you "persuade people". Hope you can realize your ambition. Cheers to learning together!

  2. Hi Nicholas! I felt that your introduction was very well thought out and I was really able to learn more about you after reading it. I also struggled with the more creative subjects back in school so I guess that is why we are both studying engineering now. Your adaptability is a great skill to have as it allows us to easily assimilate into new situations and settings. I wish you all the best in your goals and look forward to learning together with you in this course!

  3. Hi Nicholas, Thank you for sharing your insights. Your letter is well-organized and your points are presented clearly and concisely. Wishing you all the best in your studies. Looking forward to seeing you in class!

  4. Hi Nicholas,
    After reading your letter, I’ve learned so much more about you, and I appreciate you sharing your journey. I genuinely hope that you achieve great success in your career, not just to sustain your hobbies, but also to reach the goals you've set for yourself in this module.

    I'm looking forward to learning alongside you in class and supporting each other as we work toward our objectives.


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